
Thursday, March 22, 2018

Meeting the Challenge of Painting a Spring Landscape

'Southern Spring'        8x10       pastel     ©Karen Margulis
available $150

Every Spring I am faced with the same challenge.... How to capture the beauty of the Spring landscape successfully in my paintings. In an earlier post I discussed the challenges we have in trying to paint the Spring landscape.  Today I'd like to share some things that have helped me meet the challenge.
  1. Do some advance planning. Do thumbnails to help you SIMPLIFY the busy Spring landscape.
  2. Decide on a FOCAL AREA and develop it while leaving other areas with less detail. This is especially important when trying to paint flowering trees and shrubs....simplify the background by using colors in the same value so that they are soft and out of focus.
  3. Try to focus in on one area of the landscape rather than trying to fit in all of the excitement into one painting. Plan on doing several paintings instead.
  4. Try to zero in on one bush, flower or branch for a more intimate view of Spring.

Cherry Tree plein air study 5x7
In this painting there is a grouping of cherry trees in bloom. They were all fighting for attention so I chose to emphasize just one tree. I put the most details in the center tree and downplayed the others. I also made the background trees which were very busy...into soft-edged shapes. I also used duller cooler colors to push the background into the distance.

1 comment:

  1. Loved the way with the blooming trees that you got the way one will be in heavy bloom and the next bare or barely budding. That's what I see along the Arkansas roads. Sometimes a cluster at the same stage but never all of them.

    Great article and love that first painting! Again some trees bare and one leafing! Loved the heavy wildflower growth under them and the occasional mists.


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