
Saturday, March 10, 2018

Would You Like 30 Reference Photos Each Month?

'Drive By Skies II'        9.5x7.5       pastel        ©Karen Margulis

I love taking photos. As I said in yesterday's post I have well over 40 thousand images on my computer. (yes they are backed up!) And I realized that I can't possibly paint all of them in my lifetime. So I've decided to share some selected photos via my Patreon page. I hope you will consider joining this great community of artists. You will receive daily instruction, inspirational and now reference photos! (A huge thank you to the 535 of you who have already joined me) Please read on to discover what I offer you on my page. And of course this daily blog remains the same so no worries!

This month's selection for the Silver Level drawing 8x10 original

You asked for it! I am excited to share some new features to my Patreon page. I have listened to your feedback and requests and I have added two new pledge tiers...Silver and Gold. Here are the details:
The original $4 tier is the same. I have renamed it the Bronze Level but all of the benefits remain in place....weekly video demos, step by step photo demos, lessons, weekly challenges, handouts and more!
If you would like additional resources you can now choose to upgrade to the new SILVER level. For a pledge of $6 a month you will have access to the following extra resources:
  • You will gain access to my exclusive Reference Image Library. Each month I will be posting 30 of my personal reference photos. I am making them available to you copyright free! This mean you can use them for anything and the resulting paintings may be exhibited or sold. The images will include a variety of subjects from landscape to figurative to still life. Every month I will issue a fun grab bag of images many of them suitable for the weekly challenges.
  • Access to exclusive Curated Blog Posts. My daily painting blog has over 10 years of information packed articles. Each week I will curate and provide links to blog articles that will add to your understanding of the focus of my current Patreon demos,lessons and challenges.
  • Win an original Painting! You will be entered into a monthly drawing for one of my originals. Each month I will choose another painting for the drawing. The painting at the top of this page is the March selection. A great way to learn is to study an original up close. Here is your chance to win an original! Paintings will range in size form 5x7 to 8x10.
Below is an example of some of my reference photos. You will have access to the image files to download and print or use on your tablet or computer.
And now for the GOLD LEVEL!
I love to give feedback. However I am usually only able to give a few lines of feedback when asked due to time constraints. Usually this is a good thing since we can really only absorb one or two ideas at a time. So giving you some 'food for thought' is what I try to do.
Sometimes though we really want to have someone give us a thorough critique on a painting. We want to hear the good, bad and the ugly! We want to know what we need to do to improve and what we could do to get better. I will now be able to offer this in-depth feedback through the Gold Level.
The Gold Level will be limited to just 5 artists at a time. In addition to all of the rewards from the Silver level you will receive ONE in-depth critique on ONE painting. You will get one critique during each month that you pledge at the Gold level $50 per month. You can try the Gold level and return to a lower tier when you wish.
Note about the critique: When you pledge I will send you a questionnaire asking you about the painting you wish to have critiqued. The more information you give me the better! You then email the completed questions with a photo (s) of your painting. I will respond to you via email within 10 days with my feedback.
I hope you enjoy the new options. If you are interested in upgrading your pledge to the Silver or Gold tier here is a help article on how to do it:
To view the Patreon page and make a pledge visit

As always I welcome your feedback and questions. My goal is to make my Patreon page and this blog comprehensive, helpful, inspiring and above all a good value for you!


  1. Well, I'm a little disappointed about the jump in price between silver and gold, but I can see where you've made it accessible for those who might benefit from a one-time critique; being able to upgrade for one month at a time if desired.
    I will be upgrading, as I'm always interested in more reference photos!

  2. As you can imagine an in depth critique is time consuming. I take my time to evaluate and write thoughtful helpful advice. I spend at least 2+ hours on every critique . The price of $50 is fair for the amount of time and effort that goes into the critique. Think of it as online personal mentoring. And you can certainly do one month and downgrade to silver or bronze.

  3. Excellent opportunity for anyone who is truly interested in moving to the next level in their artwork. One-on-one mentoring is an excellent way to succeed in any endeavor! Thanks Karen for offering this opportunity to us!!

  4. Karen, if I do a painting from one of your reference photos, can that painting be entered in a competition? Many stipulate that the work "must be original." I suspect
    that means I must use my own photo(s) only, not one of yours, correct? I'd just like
    your take on this. Thanks. L&K, MaryB

  5. Mary,
    The photos I provide on the Silver level are copyright free however some competitions especially the larger national and international competitions require that you work from your own reference photos even if the photographer gave you permission. It is always a good idea to check with the completion for the exact rules.


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