
Sunday, June 17, 2018

Make Time for Art This Summer

'A Beautiful Day'           16x20         pastel        ©Karen Margulis
available $250
It is time to plan for summer activities! I will be doing a lot of travel. I have two workshops and a bucket list trip to France on my schedule.  It will be a busy simmer but I want to make sure I have some downtime for art. I know I will have to work at making time. Here are some ideas that have helped me in the past. 
  1. Make it a goal or challenge yourself to paint of sketch every day. Keep a sketchbook or do a small painting everyday. One year I took a large calender and did a small sketch in each day's box.
  2. Make room for art. Set aside a room or a corner where you can leave some supplies set up and handy. You will paint more often if you don't have to spend time setting up and cleaning it all up after each painting session.
  3. Invest in some quality materials. They really do make a difference and your art is worth it! Order a sampler set of pastels or paper from Dakota Pastels.
  4. Read and participate in online art forums such as wet canvas. Facebook has many art groups to join. It is fun to post your work and get feedback as well as inspiration from all the wonderful art being posted.
  5. READ READ READ!  Always have an art book on your nightstand. I am working on compiling a list of my favorite art books to share.
  6. Subscribe to at least one art magazine and spend some downtime reading every page. I love getting my Pastel Journal!
  7. Check in on your favorite art blogs.
  8. Make a small art goal for yourself. Whether it is painting more often or entering a show...set a goal and go for it!
  9. Try a different medium or art form all together. I love crafty things but never make time to do them. Check in on Pinterest and pick a project to complete.
  10. Join Patreon and find artists to follow. I am having so much fun sharing on my page www.

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