
Thursday, September 13, 2018

A New Spin on an Familiar Motif.....Oil Stain Underpainting

'She Dances Through My Dreams'       9x12        pastel      ©Karen Margulis
available $225
I was excited by this underpainting! I did an oil stain which is a very intense and vibrant way to do an underpainitng for pastels. I was using up some extra oil paint after my video demo. I didn't use a reference photo but I had a general idea that I wanted to try a lavender field with the oil stain. So this underpainitng was pulled from my Provence trip memory bank!  I think having painted several versions of the Provence lavender fields helped me have a vision for this underpainting.

The oil stain underpainting....look at the cool spider webbies!
I used only three colors of oil paint for this underpainting....alizarin crimson, cadmium yellow medium and ultramarine blue. I worked on a piece of Uart unmounted paper. You never know what you will get with an oil stain so I was very happy with the interesting spider webbies that developed! Click on the photo to enlarge.

Close up of the pastel over the oil
Once the underpainting was dry I was ready to paint. I pulled out two photos from my Provence trip to help me develop the painting. My goal was to try hard to allow parts of the spider webs and drips to show thought the pastel. A very light touch over the lavender was the key!

The finished painting 
*** See the step by step photo demo of this painting over on my Patreon page this week! **

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