
Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Three Tips for Dealing with Green

'The Earth Turned'           9x12         pastel          ©Karen Margulis
available $165

I seem to be on a green kick. Everything I want to paint is green! I like green and I like to paint landscapes with a lot of green but it can definitely be a challenge. I was looking back at my past blog posts about green and came across this old tidbit. It was a good reminder for me and I thought it would be a good one to share!  I used all three tips when painting today's green landscape.

These are some of the top things I think about when I paint the Green Stuff:

  • The further back you go in the landscape the less strokes you need. This reminds me to utilize the principles of aerial perspective...less detail, contrast, cooler and lighter.
  • Start with a lump of clay and carve your tree or bush using the background color. Add 'clay' to build volume by layering pastel to depict believable light (rather than lots of random leaves)
  • Orange is the Secret of Green and Violet is the Friend....a favorite tip for painting green that I learned from Richard McKinley. Make your greens more interesting with this tip.

Just released to my Youtube Channel!
video demo on painting lively greens 

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