
Tuesday, January 15, 2019

New Workshop in New Jersey in April!

'Serenity'                 8x10                 ©Karen Margulis
available $160
 This is where it all began! I had been painting with pastels for about a year when I discovered the work of Stan Sperlak. I loved the paintings I saw on his website and noticed he was having a workshop near Atlantic City, NJ.  I had a friend in the area and decided to make  a dual purpose trip.....visit my friend and take Stan's workshop. It was one of the best art things I ever did. I learned so much in that workshop and convinced my friends to go the following year to Stan's Goshen NJ farm for another workshop. They were also converted. Since those early days I have taken three more workshops with Stan including a painter's Passport trip to Iceland. I also had the honor of team teaching with Stan in Normandy, France.

And now I am excited to share that I will be going back to New Jersey this April to teach at the Goshen School of Art. Check out the Facebook page to see photos of this wonderful and inspiring place! This beautiful place has inspired so many of my paintings!

I hope you will consider joining me for this workshop. The theme of the workshop is "Expressive Pastels'. It is a studio workshop. I will be sharing tips and techniques for painting more expressive paintings with several demos, lessons, handouts and help at the easel.  If you have been wanting to loosen up and paint with passion and more expression this is the workshop experience for you!

April 12-14 KAREN MARGULIS!!!
The Goshen School of Art welcomes a long-time friend and past participant who is returning now as a nationally respected teacher, blogger and artist in the ways of creativity in pastel. This class is sure to fill quickly. As always, a Thursday night demo and reception then three full days! $475
Email: to sign up, then print and send in registration

Beginning the painting by simply blocking in the darks.

1 comment:

  1. Great artwork and you depict the picture of the countryside nicely.


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