
Sunday, March 10, 2019

Making Use of Implied Detail

'Back to the Marsh'               14x18          pastel       ©Karen Margulis    
available $195

I decided to put them in at the very end of the painting. I didn't stress over how I would paint something so tiny. I didn't draw them first. I just made a few little marks and called it done. All it took were a few simple marks to give a suggestion of buildings and boats in the distance. My marsh now had the hint of life. But it is just an illusion!

Call it a 'hint' or 'suggestion' of detail. That is the way I like to paint detail in a landscape. I want the painting to have a bit of mystery. I want the viewer to participate and fill in the blanks. I choose not to paint every blade of grass. I choose not to draw precise buildings, trees or other objects.  My goal is to provide just enough information for the viewer to know what I am suggesting.

The marks that suggest detail are quite abstract when viewed in isolation. Look at the close up photos from the marsh painting. When removed from the painting they are just a collection of marks. The detail we see is just an illusion.

before the detail is added

Practice restraint the next time you are tempted to put in too much detail in your painting. Try to see how limited you can make your marks. Suggest the detail!

Painting notes: This is another demo done for my recent Florida workshop. I am headed to New Jersey to teach at the Goshen School of Art in a few weeks and I can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. It was a great workshop. My first instruction. Being 5o years since I painted. It was super. I had been binge watching which encouraged me to start. The workshop was over the moon.Thank you.


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