
Monday, May 20, 2019

A Simple but Important Item to Bring to Workshops (and IAPS Conventions)

'Meadow Walk'               14x11               pastel               ©Karen Margulis
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 Oh how I wish someone had told me about this. If I could go back in time I would have it with me for every pastel workshop and IAPS convention. It isn't too late to start though and I want to share this idea with you so you can also get started. What is the item I wish I had?


When I was teaching my recent workshop for the Pastel Society of Southern California I was asked by several artists to sign their pastel box. I was honored to of course and it was so cool to see the signatures of some of my favorite pastel artists on their boxes.  I have taken some great workshops over the years and I would have loved to have the signature of the wonderful artists I studied with.

So the next time you are going to a workshop be sure to pack a Sharpie marker or two. And if you are going to the IAPS convention a sharpie is a great idea to have in your day pack. Even if you aren't taking a pastel box you could have your favorite artists sign your program cover or swag bag!

I am in high gear planning my demo for IAPS on Strategies for Beautiful Wildflowers and my presentation on Social Media for artists. If you are going to IAPS and have some openings in your schedule, I'd love for you to join me!

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