
Monday, May 06, 2019

Why Painting a Wave is Like a Painting a Cupcake

'Music of the Sea'                  8x10              pastel              ©Karen Margulis
available $165
 In 14 years of painting I  have only painted two waves. They are scary to me...scary to paint that is. I wasn't sure how to capture the color and light and movement. And there are so many wonderful artists who paint amazing seascapes with waves. But we are painting water over on my Patreon Page so waves are a part of the program. I had to find a way to simplify a complex subject such as a crashing wave.

I discovered that it was easy if I thought of painting a wave like painting a cupcake! Establish the dark shapes. Then layer the middle values. Add the frosting (the light) and end with the sprinkles which is the sea spray!  This allowed me to simplify the wave and attack it with a bit more confidence!

Now I have painted two more waves. And while I don't think I will ever become a wave painter I did have a lot of fun!  If you would like to see a step by step demo of this wave painting head on over to my Patreon Page. I expand on this idea of thinking of a wave like a cupcake!  For a $4 subscription you can see this demo and so much more!!

The watercolor underpainting
I used a watercolor underpainting to start the wave. I love using watercolor to start a water themed painting! I also used white  Pastel Premier paper. Watercolor is more luminous on white paper.


  1. Very wonderful seascape painting !!!

  2. Thank you once again for sharing your pastel painting tidbits , Karen. A friend asked me to help her paint a beach scene and since I had not painted large waves before, I was a little lost. Now I know I just have to think of a cupcake and your explanation makes it easy to understand.


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