
Thursday, October 15, 2020

A Lunchtime Demo: Mist on the River!


   'Autumn Comes to the River'                11x14              pastel         ©Karen Margulis     available $225

Yesterday I had the pleasure of doing a Facebook Live video demo for the Booth Western Art Museum. It was part of their 'Art for Lunch' series. I decided to do an autumn landscape inspired by my recent camping trip along the Tallulah River in North Georgia.  You can watch the demo by clicking on the link below:


I began the painting with a wet underpainting using Art Graf pigment blocks on Uart sanded paper. I love the interesting drips I got. I did end up covering them all up! I made another underpainting so I. will see how another version turns pout!

Here is the palette of pastels I used. They are mostly Terry Ludwig pastels with a few Diane Townsend soft form. I have been using this same palette for a series of river paintings. It makes it easy to have a preselected palette and use them for several paintings. 

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