
Monday, November 23, 2020

Have You Tried The Clear Gesso Trick Lately?

'Sunflower Daydreams'             13x14            pastel             ©Karen Margulis      available $400

I searched through my pile of discarded and unfinished paintings looking for a good candidate for a makeover. I found the perfect choice. It was a failed landscape painting on Uart paper. I knew it would handle the special treatment! Clear Gesso! I simply brushed on some clear gesso right over the painting. It made a muddy but textured underpainting.....a perfect canvas for a new idea!  Have you tired clear gesso lately?

  • There is a fun and easy way to add texture to a pastel painting. It starts BEFORE painting. You simply brush on some CLEAR GESSO to your favorite paper and let it dry.  The clear gesso has a slight grittiness and this combined with random brushstrokes creates a textured surface to paint on. 
  • If you want a rougher surface you can add powdered pumice to your gesso but I find the clear gesso to be sufficient. 
  • You can also use the gesso on any pastel paper including unsanded papers. Watercolor paper is a great paper to use.
  • You apply the gesso to prep the paper. If you want to use it during the painting be aware that the gesso will liquify the pastel creating darkish mud. (which is sometimes just what you need!)

Below is a photo of the painting after the clear gesso application. 

Here you can see a closeup of the painting. Look at the interesting texture!

 Over on my Patreon group I share a video demo of this painting. Consider joining us for $4 a month! It is a great online instruction value!


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