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Friday, June 12, 2009

Exceptional Merit Award!

I am excited to share that my painting 'Dance of the Wildflowers' won an Exceptional Merit award at the Southeastern Pastel Society's Members' show last night. It is a great show and I am honored to be included and to win an award! I am thrilled with my prize which is my choice of a 78 piece set of Great American pastels and two art dvds of my choice. I hope they let me pick the new Richard McKinley set of pastels I wanted to buy at IAPS! For this painting I used museum glass for the first time and the difference is amazing! You couldn't even tell there was glass on the painting! It will be hard to use anything else now!


Nancy L. Vance said...

Congrats Karen! Well deserved!

sanchitha vishwanath said...


Sand Hill Art said...

That's super, Karen. I'm congratulating myself for having the great sense to follow YOUR blog!

Cynthia said...

Wow,,,congratulations...!!!It is a wonderful work of art at that.

Karen said...

Thank you everyone!! I am still excited about it!