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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Water Lilies Pastel & Watercolor SOLD

'Letting Go' 11x14 pastel
I've been in 'water lily' mode this week as I prepare for my upcoming workshop on pastels and mixed media. Our theme for the workshop is water lilies to go along with the Monet exhibit at the High Museum. We are trying to get our classmates together to go see the exhibit before the workshop. Hopefully we can work out the timing. Summer is such a busy time it seems!


Jan Pope said...

How Monet! Very nice. I love the impressionist feel to it. Pastels are not my prime media, so I'm always amazed at those who can handle it so well.

Anonymous said...

Karen, I love enlarging your paintings to see how you captured the light and color. This one is exquisite!

Jo Castillo said...

This is wonderful. Your workshop sounds great. Lucky students!

Karen said...

Thank you so much Jan & Dot. I am enjoying these water lilies!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I love the way you used colour and gesture to capture the tranquility that comes from sitting near a pond.

Chris said...

That is an amazing work! The palette is so calming and engaging. Well done! I can see why it's sold!