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Monday, August 13, 2012

Pastel Demo...Hollyhocks in New Mexico

'The Old Town Greeters'     12x12    pastel     ©Karen Margulis sold

It is demo Monday!  Last week my demo was a close-up view of some hollyhocks. This week I have painted a light- hearted and fun pastel version of the Old Town Hollyhocks. If yo have been to Old Town in Albuquerque New Mexico then you have probably seen these happy Hollyhocks gracing the store fronts. I have had so much fun interpreting these flowers in both acrylic and pastel.

Step by Step Pastel Demo
  1. (from top left)  I am using white Wallis sanded paper. I begin by doing an underpainting with thinned acrylic paint. I am using the same palette as I used in my acrylic version of this painting. I thin the paint with water so it won't be too thick and clog the tooth of the paper.
  2. I liked the underpainting so I don't want to cover it all up with pastel. I decide to lightly scumble some pastel in the same colors and values as the acrylic just to unify the background shapes. The door way needed to be darker as well. The background is now finished and I can add the flowers.
  3. I block in the general shape of the blooms. I use the side of my pastel to make blocky marks. I am not at all precise! For the white flowers I block in a pale blue.
  4. I continue to develop the flowers....I add the centers staring with a dark read-orange. I also begin to put in the stems and leaves. I use a dark cool blue.
  5. The flowers are done now I add more leaves using lighter and warmer greens. 
  6. I decide to have some fun with this painting and add in some dark lines. I really love playing with lines. I used a stick of compressed charcoal to draw the lines. Finished!
I hope you enjoyed today's demo. If you want to be sure to see the next one I invite you to sign up at the sidebar to receive updates!

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