
Monday, September 23, 2013

Our Wonder-Fall Painting Adventure day1


'September Wetlands'. 5x7. Plein air. Pastel.

The adventure begins! We arrived in Stone Harbor NJ to a gorgeous September afternoon. Our GPS Miss Vague wanted us to go through downtown Washington DC but other than that it was a smooth drive from Atlanta. We have no plans for the next couple of days until Stan's workshop other than to explore and take lots of photos.

Our first stop after our arrival was the Wetlands Institute in Stone Harbor. The colors in the marsh are wonderful. The egrets were especially active. I really wanted to paint right away but we needed to secure a room. We would have to come back. But not before getting some butterfly shots!

It is Monarch Migration time here and we did see a few Monarchs in the Wetland's gardens. They say the migration is off to a slow start but maybe they will increase while we are here. We did find a nice motel just a block from the beach so after unloading our stuff we went down to the beach for pictures.

Ahhhhhh! It is great to see the ocean. We'll be back in the morning for more. We finished our day with another visit to the Wetlands Institute to walk the trail. More egrets and a lonely osprey getting ready to head south. I couldn't resist taking out my small travel pastel set to paint my first daily painting. I can't wait for tomorrow!




  1. Anonymous3:27 PM

    What a lovely place! And birds, too! I saw my first Monarch today, I'd better get the butterfly feeder out. Not many blooms left this year.

  2. Lovely...I would like to see this in person as well.


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