
Friday, October 18, 2013

Pawleys Island Day 6...Paying my Dues

'Down at the Point'. 6x8. Pastel
"We have to pay our dues girls" my friend said as we struggled with this thing called Plein air. How do we decide what to paint? How do we simplify all of the busyness? How do we choose our colors? For one thing we need to practice....a lot. The more we work at it the easier it will come.
It was with that thought in mind that I packed up my backpack and headed out on a walk to the point this morning. IIt was time to pay my dues. I gladly pay them every day and having the opportunity to paint in such an inspiring place makes the payment easy!

'Over the Dunes'. 5x7. Pastel

The backpack is working out perfectly and the Gogh box is fantastic. (Stay tuned for my review) I set up among the dunes with a 360 view of ocean,dunes and marsh. It was a bright overcast morning with a slight breeze and the temperature was just right. I was in my shorts and decided to kick off my shoes and paint barefoot. It felt great! I painted five studies. Met a nice fisherman who's mom was an artist. Saw lots of birds and butterflies. I could have stayed all day!

'Creek Study'. 5x5. Pastel



  1. You have given me the itch! Maybe I don't have the budget or know anyone who's got a cabin or wants to go camping with me, to go out that far into the wilderness.

    I think next time I go out to Golden Gate Park to do plein air, I'll cut a bunch of 5" x 7" and 5" or 6" square pieces of sanded papers, good papers, instead of spending the entire trip on a 9" x 12" painting.

    Working that swift and small would keep me loose, force me to simplify what I'm looking at. Anything I love that has to be left out can get its own painting next. That's something I found with sketching, but you've shown me how much can be packed into such a small painting with such broad strokes. I have to try this. It's too much fun!

  2. Thank you Robert!! I hope that you do give the small ones a try on your next Plein air outing. I really enjoy them and find I am more adventurous when I do the smaller quick studies!

  3. Karen, I learn something new or am reminded of something I've forgotten every time I read your blog. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences with us. You are a gifted and effective teacher. We are fortunate to have you as a traveling companion on our individual art journeys.

  4. Thank you so much Sarah! Your comments really mean a lot to me. I am so happy to hear when I have been helpful! Thank you for reading!


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