
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Pawleys Island Day 4....Here Comes the Sun

'Sunlit Marsh'. 5x7. Pastel

We've waited all week for a sunny day. I love moody clouds and drama but a day of warm sunshine would be nice. We were greeted by a peaceful and beautiful sunrise which soon gave way to a clear blue sky. It was supposed to be our Charleston gallery day but with rainodn the way we decided we needed to stay on the beach and enjoy the sun. I decided to walk down to the bend in the creek to paint.

It was the perfect spot to paint. A light breeze with the distant sound of waves along with the chatter of birds. I painted four studies here before heading back to the cottage for lunch. Here are some of my paintings.

'Monarchs Passing Through'. 5x7. Pastel

'At the Bend'. 6x8. Pastel

This afternoon we took it easy on the deck. We fed t he birds and laughed at their antics. I read some. Oh and I cleaned my pastels in the sand. It works great! We are gearing up for a great sunset. The clouds are building so hopefully we'll have some good color in the sky. I am planning on painting with my clean pastels so I can't wait!



  1. I've been enjoying your trip vicariously. And what beautiful light you captured in these paintings. Just lovely.

  2. Your work is so lovely, Karen. You truly seem to be inspired by your surroundings!!

  3. These are wonderful! I love the wild colors you used in some of them. The bright pinks and magentas - the one that has the strong pinks in it is so delightful. You've managed to use colors I don't think of as landscape colors at all in ways that are glorious and still read true.

    I have a secret passion for all the bright sticks, the ones that come in your basic small set of general use pastels and some artists grump about rarely using, praising the muted colors instead. You've shown me another way to use them and even to key a painting to one as its most noticeable hue.

    Here in San Francisco, I'm likely to run into areas of bright flowers with those hues almost anywhere I go. But you're doing a diferent landscape and still made those colors work. I need to be more adventurous with color - and in a lot of small paintings, work with different color harmonies on each one. That's something so cool about your small works - they are all so different from each other!

    Your trip and blog entries have been a joy to me!

  4. Thank you Katy! I appreciate you visiting my blog!

  5. Thank you Robert! I can't tell you how much your thoughtful comments mean to me. It is so wonderful to read what you say about my work. It helps me see what I do in a new way! It makes me so happy that I can share and hopefully inspire other artists so thank you for taking the time to write!!!


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