
Monday, February 10, 2014

A Simple Approach to a Landscape Painting

'Simple Pleasures'            6x6             pastel           ©Karen Margulis
I am feeling a time crunch today.  Atlanta is expecting more winter weather this week and I need to get to Florida by Saturday for my cruise.  So I am trying to wrap up loose ends in case we decide to leave before the storm hits.  My long list of To-Do's didn't stop me from painting a few quick pastels.  It is such a part of my daily routine that it feels strange if I don't paint.

There is always time for a simple landscape!

I had three pieces of the black Artagain paper already taped to a board along with a few possible reference photos.  I often set up paper and photos when I do have time and set them aside for those times when I am very busy.  That is the key to getting in my daily paintings!

  • To keep it simple I decide to set a time limit of 20 minutes and use the pastels I have out from recent paintings. As Tim Gunn says "Make it Work!"  
  • I am painting on paper with very little to no tooth so I have to use a minimal amount of strokes. You can see the paper showing. I am only using one or two layers of pastel
  • I am simplifying the scene by blocking in the big shapes first and then adding the details (flowers)
I feel better now that I have painted!  Now back to packing. 

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