
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Painting a Meadow...New Series

'Summer Will Come'              8x10           pastel            ©Karen Margulis
 They say Atlanta is in for a historic Ice Storm. They say prepare for power outages. We have plenty of food, batteries, flashlights and candles.  I had to cancel my classes so my plan is to stay in my studio and paint. (maybe by candlelight) I have a list of projects I have been wanting to tackle including some ideas for series.  Today I worked on my first idea.... Four Seasons in A Meadow.

It started with Winter.  I had a wonderful reference photo of spent Queen Annes Lace covered in Frost.

'Frosty Meadow'                8x10        pastel
click here to purchase $125
I used an 8x10 piece of Pastelbord for the winter painting. I did an alcohol wash underpainting using 4 values of purple.  I then used a muted and limited palette using cool colors to portray the cold and frost.

Next comes Spring. The reference for this painting was taken in late Spring. The Queen Anne's Lace has just begun to bloom and the meadows are filled with beautiful Spring Greens.  For this painting I used an 8x10 piece of Uart paper 500 grit. I did a turpenoid wash over Nupastels. I used 4 values of pink Nupastel.  I tried to leave some of this pink drippy underpainting showing. (click on painting to enlarge and see details)

I have some ideas for the Summer and Autumn Meadow and will start on them next.  I have been wanting to try a four season series and Queen Anne's Lace makes an interesting subject since it looks quite different in each season.

Hopefully we won't lose power and I will continue my regular postings!


  1. Beautiful paintings! But what about your cruise? Did you have to cancel? I hope not!

  2. Thanks Twinkle. Too late to cancel so we are planning to get out Friday afternoon. We are driving so we just need to get to the highway. Wish us luck!!


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