
Monday, June 22, 2015

Painter's Passport France Expedition ... Cows and Wheat

'The Cows In the Backyard'. 5x7. Pastel Karen Margulis
We woke up to rain. It was time for plan B. There are worse places to spend a rainy day. Our manor had plenty of room for us all to spread out and paint. Stan began the day with a few demo paintings and talk. Our assignment...see the big shapes and carve into them. The rain let up for a couple of hours so I went to paint in the barn. I wanted to paint some cows.

After lunch it was my turn to do another demo. Since it was still raining I painted from my camera. The lesson was how to simplify and interpret a photo. It was great to share again! Before dinner the sun came out. It was glorious! We all took a big walk. The area right around the house is amazing! Here are a few photos.

Stan talks to us about the colors in the sky.

Tomorrow is a big day. We visit Mt. St Michel. We'll paint and sketch and take lots of pictures.

I made a video tour of our mansion. Check it out on You Tube. Here is the link :









  1. Donna7:11 AM

    Absolutely enjoyed the video! Thanks for sharing your painting experience.

  2. Catherine Selinger10:03 AM

    OH my goodness Karen! How I adore that beautiful old mansion. Yes it does look like a castle which makes all of your fairy tale characters living there! Thank you for taking the time to shoot the lovely video. Au revoir!

  3. Catherine Selinger10:05 AM

    Bonjour again!
    Forgot to mention how much I love the cow paintings too. I can feel their size, their solidity and steadfast character. They are MOOOOtiful!


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