
Sunday, June 21, 2015

Painter's Passport France Expedition....Painting Begins!

'The Meadow by the Sea'. 5x7. Pastel. Karen Margulis

I woke up to the cooing of doves outside my window. I felt like I was in a fairy tale. I was staying in a 300 year old French manor house in the middle of the picture perfect countryside of Normandy. It was our first painting day and I couldn't wait!

Breakfast was wonderful...eggs, potatoes, toast, fruit. We were ready for a day of painting! After breakfast Stan started the day with an inspiring talk and two demos. He did a great bull painting! We are surrounded with cows and bulls here.

I set up behind the house and painted the pastures. I loved being able to see the English Channel in the distance. I did 5 quick studies. After lunch it was my turn! I did a demo for the group in the garden. It was so much fun to share with everyone! ( more photos coming)

In the afternoon I made a video tour of the manor house we are staying in, I will add it to tomorrow's post. It I taking forever to upload and it is late! We have another big day tomorrow!



  1. Hi Karen,
    I've just started following your blog this year and am amazed at all of the information you share! Your taking the time to blog while you are on such a fantastic trip is much appreciated; I'm enjoying reading about your pastel adventures and am looking forward to your future posts.
    Happy painting!

  2. Oh this is great! Beautiful art you posted for the day. I love the sunlit streak on the meadow by the sea, and I love that big glorious tree in the second one. Great place! Wish I was there and able to keep up!

  3. Catherine Selinger9:52 AM

    Karen the pictures are just lovely! I love your beautiful tree painting.
    Wish I were there too. But I believe I can see my fellow Canadian buddies, (Donna and Cheryle from Timmins, Ontario), so I am feeling that I am with you guys in spirit at least! :)
    P.S. Is it just my bad eyesight or does Donna have something green goin' on in front of her? LOL


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