
Sunday, July 05, 2015

A Day in the Enchanted Forest


'The Enchanted Forest'. 5x7. Pastel. Karen Margulis

I spent the day in the shadow of the castle. It was a low key day spent relaxing and painting. We began the morning with a tour of the castle. It was awesome to see the inside. Many of the rooms have been restored with period furnishings. I could have spent hours poking around. We got to visit areas of the castle not normally seen on on the roof between towers! A great view but a bit scary!

The castle is surrounded by farmland and forests. I painted a view of these woods but I wanted a closer look.We drove a short distance and then got out to walk into the woods. We were looking for blueberries, beetles and mushrooms. We found all three. I also got some wonderful forest photos. It was magical.


Tomorrow I head to Stockholm for the night and then begin the final leg of this amazing journey....Finland!


1 comment:

  1. LOVE the Enchanted Forest painting and photo. Cool bedroom! Cool mushrooms! Really enjoying your tour! Ari sheds Cat Hairs of Inspiration on you! (It's our anniversary today, 15 years ago I got the world's cutest kitten.)


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