
Monday, July 06, 2015

Last Day in Sweden ...Inks and Trains

It was my last day in Sweden. Time to pack and switch gears. Next I travel to Finland where I will be teaching a workshop. The adventure continues! I had some time this morning before my train to Stockholm. It was raining so we decided to play with the new acrylic inks my friend had purchased in Lund. I sketched a few of my forest discoveries. The inks were fun to use!

My flight to Helsinki is in the morning so I decided to stay overnight at the airport Radisson Blu Hotel. It was a great choice. I had time to organize my workshop materials, do my nails and FaceTime with my daughter! A little downtime before the next leg of the journey is a good thing.

I thought I'd share one of the things I brought on the trip that has been such a lifesaver. I was concerned about finding enough electric outlets at each place to charge my electronics at night. I decided to bring a small strip (the simple kind with no surge protection)

It has worked great! All I needed was one plug adapter. The chargers all have built in converters. I can charge my camera battery, phone and watch at the same time using only one outlet! I will be blogging about the too has been essential!

More tomorrow from Finland!


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