
Friday, July 10, 2015

Finland Workshop a Day 1...inside From the Rain

'Flowers in the North'. 8x10. Pastel. Karen Margulis

We are in Vaasa Finland. The artists are an international group. We have Sweden, Germany, England, Finland and the U.S. represented. Everyone speaks English but there is an interesting buzz of language going on! It is a very talented group of artists as well. They are all eager to learn and try new things. It is exciting!

The first day was our inside day. It was a good thing because it rained for most of the day. It gave us a chance to get to know one another and paint all day. I did three demos including the lupines in today's post. The second day is supposed to be one of our plein air days but it is calling for rain again. We may have to resort to plan B! It did clear up enough for some to end the day with a painting outside.

Here are a few photos from the summer house in Vaasa. This is our home base. Our host, Annika is absolutely wonderful! She is making us delicious meals and lots of coffee. She even managed to do three beautiful paintings on the first day. Here are some photos of the summer house property.




  1. Gorgeous demo painting and so great to see those flowers in the last photo too! Beautiful location photos. You'll be painting from all your photos for years! Class sounds like it went great and I'm so happy for you.

    Ari purrs at you and sheds many Cat Hairs of Inspiration! He's occupying my lap at the moment giving me a concentrated dose.

  2. Interesting looking easels in the Finland cabin. What are they?

  3. We had a variety of easels including a Soltek, Anderson swivel easel, French easel and an aluminum folding easel


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