
Thursday, July 09, 2015

Painting in Finland...Before the Workshop


'On the Train to Vaasa'. 2.5 x 3.5. Pastel study Karen Margulis


I am remembering my Finnish grandmother. She was actually the grandmother of my best friend. As children we spent a lot of time under her watch. She would speak to us in Finnish sometimes and I always wondered what it would be like in Finland.

I now can see for myself. I arrived in Helsinki and spent the day exploring before catching the train to Vaasa. It was chilly and windy but I was prepared with my layers. I have used them all on this trip...from down coat to shorts!

I am staying in the summer house of my host Annika. It is a wonderful log cabin on the water. Today the workshop begins here at the summer house. It is raining so we will stay inside. There are 9 students today from Finland, Sweden, Germany and the U.S. Luckily everyone speaks English!



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