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Thursday, December 29, 2005

Thoughts on Composition

I have started to think about what I want to focus on regarding art for 2006. One of the things I love about painting is the learning that is involved. We are always learning and growing as artists. This coming year I am planning to attend two with Terry Ludwig and one with Albert Handell. I am excited about both! Any trips that I take will be with plein air painting in mind. I am waiting to hear if there is an opening on a painting trip to France. (long story!) But if that falls through...I will figure out a plan B.
I just saw a post by my teacher, Marsha Savage, on wet canvas. She is going to focus on Composition this year. That sounds good to me! When I was studying photography, composition was a big part of it. Once you knew how to get the proper exposure, and the light was right...the main thing you had to concentrate on was having a good composition. I think this training has helped me now that I am painting.....but, I don't usually think about my focusing on this should only help me!

Here is an quote from a book I am currently reading...(Marsha, I was reading this before I read your post...isn't that funny!) "Intuitive Composition" by Albert Handell:

"Allow your feelings and sensitivity to flow freely at all times. Paint only what inspires you. Continue to develop your ability to see, which in turn will develop and enhance your intuition. Strong designs and good compsositions will result."

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