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Tuesday, December 13, 2005

What I'm Reading This Week

I love books! I have shelves of books in almost every room of my home. Most of them are travel books but now I am building my collection of art books. This week I am reading the book 'Painting With Passion' by Carole Katchen. She showcases 15 artists who explain how they bring passion to their work. Here is a quote from Carole Katchen which sums it up......

"There is Painting. And there is Art. The difference, often, is heart."

I really like that! I'd like to share a passage from the book which really made me think!

"It is possible to live one's life joyously without art. It is possible to enjoy the simple activities that we all share as human beings - eating the perfect piece of apple pie, paying off the mortgage, wiping away tears at a movie...Life is always a gift.
But for the artist, life is more. It is a glorious adventure. Every moment is a treat for the eye. We are touched by the passion for color; a majenta sunset or a cerulean blue flower can take your breath away. We are gifted with reverence for light, watching with fascination as morning sunlight drifts through the kitchen window. And perhaps most miraculous, we are gifted with the need to celebrate our passion with marks on paper or canvas."

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