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Monday, February 13, 2006

Sketchbook Page One

We have a month off Pastel class...but we have assignments! We are supposed to be sketching daily and while I doodle on any scrap of paper I don't really take the time to sketch. I have to be able to draw well if I ever hope to be a good painter! So I am going to discipline myself to sketch everyday and this is my first page of my new sketchbook. I expect I will be doing a lot of cats since they are such handy models and they like to hang out with me. I also plan on doing the drawing excersises in the book 'The Elements of Drawing' by John Ruskin. This book is on the reading list for Lorenzo Chavez's workshop (which I will attend in October)

Yesterday Jayne and I made a trip to Binders art store and did some damage...well we needed stuff for the Terry Ludwig workshop! I still need to organize my stuff because I was lazy today...I did find a great photo of a pelican that I want to stay tuned for that.

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