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Saturday, May 12, 2007

Purple Marsh ACEO

'Purple Marsh Morning' 2.5 x 3.5 pastel
Today I had plans to stay in and frame. I have to frame the two paintings accepted into the Southeast Pastel Society show as well as a few to bring up to the gallery in North Carolina next week. But instead I went shopping! There's always tomorrow! So for today's painting here is a little ACEO I did last week. It is the marsh at Huntington Beach State park in South Carolina. I love to paint the marshes!

click here to bid on this painting


Susan Borgas said...

Congratulations for the accepted paintings Karen and all the best for the show.

As always I love the colours that you use in your work :thumbsup:

By the way, I have tagged you if you would like to join in. Just follow the following link. to see what it is all about.

Jo Castillo said...

I love these colors, too. Nice job and congratulations on the show. You have been working so hard. I have to get ready for a paint day tomorrow and here I am, reading blogs. Oh well.

Interesting on the double tag! Guess you only have to respond once. :)


Karen said...

Thanks Susuan...and thanks for the 'tag' I will join in!

Susan Borgas said...

Thats great Karen! I look forward to your post. :D

Anonymous said...

I love the marsh paintings, and ACEOs!! Please do more of them ~ this one is perfect and I lost out on it.