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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Opening Reception Tonight!

'The Eyes Have It' 5x7 pastel
This week has gone by so fast! My suitcase is packed and at the door and I can't wait for vacation. We are headed up to New England...revisiting some of our favorite spots and seeing some new ones. I haven't been up that way since I have been painting so I am looking forward to taking a lot of photos. I am not bringing any pastels! It was a hard decision but I just won't have time. We are meeting with relatives in Cape Cod and Nantucket as well as doing a lot of hiking. I am bringing a sketchbook so I will concentrate my efforts on sketching this trip.
Tonight is the opening Reception of the Southeastern Pastel Society's show and I have my painting of Tobi my Siamese cat(not this one) and a marsh scene in the show. I can't wait to see the show! I will try to report back tonight.

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