It's good to be back home after a fantastic adventure to the South Carolina Coast. My friends Jayne and Holly and I went to a mentoring workshop with Stan Sperlak. We had all studied with Stan before at his farm in NJ but this time we met on Kiawah Island on the South Carolina coast. There were only six students including us and we had been in a workshop last year with Susan, Lisa and Betsy. We were a very comfortable and compatible group which added to the experience. We stayed at Susan's beautiful home (thank you Susan for everything!) It had the most amazing view of the marsh. I could paint that scene everyday and never tire of it! Look below at the slideshow for a peek at the marsh) We did have our share of cold and wet weather but we all managed to get outside and paint despite the conditions. I finished about 15 paintings and will be sharing them over the rest of the week. This one was painted out on Susan's deck in the misty rain. It actually added some texture!
Wow, such a beautiful place. You captured a wonderful feeling. By the way, I love the new look to your blog. Much easier to read.
Thanks Jo! It was magical. Thanks to for your feedback on the new blog look. I appreciate it!
Another winning marsh piece. Gorgeous.
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