
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Top Paintings of 2011 ....#3 Daisies

'Carolina Daisies' 11x14 pastel ©Karen Margulis
Today I am sharing another painting which represents a personal accomplishment for me. This painting was done as a demo for my workshop for the Appalachian Pastel Society. The workshops were an accomplishment for me because it was my first multi day workshop and I was asked to teach. I would like to be able to do more out of town workshops so this was a great start for me. But the reason I like the painting is because after a year of practicing watercolor underpaintings I am finally feeling more confident and happy with my results. Prior to the Richard McKinley workshop last fall, my watercolor underpaintings were wishy-washy and washed out. Richard suggested practicing just the underpainting and to do lots of them. So I have been working on this and I definitely see an improvement. Thanks Richard!

My winter & spring workshop schedule is posted. I have three classes in January...Starting an Art Blog, Pastels for Beginners and Painting Winter on Home made surfaces. Let me know if you would like to register for a workshop!

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