
Sunday, June 09, 2013

Blue Skies and Hollyhocks...Last Day in Albuquerque

'Old Town Hollyhocks'. 5x7. Pastel

It is a bittersweet day. Time to leave Albuquerque and my pastel friends but excited to get back on the road. Our adventure truly begins today! It has been wonderful to meet so many of my blog and Facebook friends. I wish there was more time to talk, meet everyone and trade more ATCs but I'll be back for the next convention.

This morning I walked over to Old Town for photos. I decided to paint the Hollyhocks in front of one of the restaurants. I found a bench in the shade and finished before the sun reached me....good thing because it's hot here!

Then back to the trade show for one last look. I couldn't resist a couple of small Sennelier sets. My friend Sharon bought the portrait half stick set on the advice of Stan Sperlak so I had a look and decided they would be great for the southwest landscape. I'll give them a try tomorrow. Oh and I also got a set of iridescent senneliers....couldn't resist!

Now on to Canon de Chelly!

I hope you are enjoying my trip report and daily road trip paintings so far. They are all available by auction on Daily Paintworks ( link at top of page)



  1. Suggestion: go to Thunderbird Lodge in Chinle and sign up for a Navajo led tour of the canyon bottom. Spectacular!

  2. Jacdesusbielle8:50 AM

    Made me smile to read that you could not resist one set of pastel, then another one, not counting the ones you couldn't resist the days before ..... You are right Karen ! You must use so many sticks .... These are the perfect places to buy what you need and what tempts you.
    Hope you met my friend Donna Spears Lauzon. Go on blogging Karen. Everything you post is interesting and teaching a lot.

  3. I'm enjoying your trip report and paintings so much! Keep on!! I check each morning to see what you've done, to see through your eyes what I can't see right now with mine!

  4. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Enjoying hearing about the convention and seeing your artwork. The blue in today's is really pretty


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