
Saturday, June 08, 2013

Reporting from IAPS ...The Candy Store!

'Evening Along the Rio Grande'. 5x7. Pastel

We took the day off from workshops so we could do some exploring and visit the trade show without the crowds. In the morning we went back to another section of Open Space along the Rio Grande. I painted my daily which I'll post tomorrow. This painting is last evening's painting done quickly as a dust storm was approaching.

This afternoon it was 102 outside so what a better place to be than in the pastel trade show! It was much quieter since workshops were in session and we got to chat with the vendors and watch some artists demo. Here are some photos.

Checking out the Multi media Art Board. I used this in Bill Creevys workshop and loved it. We found out the company is in Atlanta!

Kitty Wallis in her booth painting. We were told she had some kind of a breakthrough about making pastels and if you follow her on Facebook there will soon be more information!


Terry Ludwig taking an order in his booth. Imagine getting an empty box and filling it with whatever colors you want! Heaven!


Marsha Savage starting a demo. She was using Pastelbord and Terry Ludwig pastels. I need to go back and see what she painted!

I didn't do too much damage. I bought a travel watercolor set by Schminke which I love for under paintings. I'll be using these on the trip!



  1. Love Kitty and I still have many of her pastel sticks. Thanks again for the new pics!

  2. The candy store is super! Nice painting, Karen.

  3. I can't wait to hear what her breakthrough is!
    Jo, thanks and it was great to meet you!


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