
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Top 5 Adventures of 2013....My AHA Moment

'Magic in the Air'            8x10           pastel         ©Karen Margulis
Click here to purchase $125

There is nothing better than when something clicks.  When it all comes together for a moment.  When you find yourself in the zone and your paintings are working. When the struggles and experiments start to make sense and you are finally finding your voice.

I experienced something like this a couple of months ago. It might have been the inspiring surroundings. Maybe it was coming back to Crow Creek.  It surely was helped by the instruction of Stan Sperlak. (I was at his Crow Creek workshop)  But whatever it was it felt good!

If you have been a regular reader of my blog then you may have noticed the changes my work went through over the summer.  After my Southwest Adventure I turned to a bolder more graphic approach to my paintings. I used bold black charcoal lines. I used flat areas of color.  I joked that it was due to the Vortexes in Sedona and surely it was the clear bold desert colors that was influencing my work. Here is one of my summer paintings.

Zion National Park          8x10        pastel 

But not everyone was a fan of this new style. I laughed when my mom told me she liked my older paintings better. I didn't have control over these new paintings. It is hard to describe but they just wanted to come out.  Some wrote and told me preferred  my softer more lyrical style.  I wondered if I would ever paint that way again.

It was at the Crow Creek workshop that it seemed to come together.  When I was out in the marsh painting in the wind with the clouds in living color....I painted with my heart. I didn't give though to technique or style. I just tried to capture the beauty and how I was feeling about it.  The paintings came quickly and with ease.  And I noticed something.....they were expressive but still soft. Yet there was an underlying boldness.  I felt then that my summer experiments with a bolder style had come full circle. This was how I want to paint!  (for the moment that is!)

This was my AHA moment for 2013. I look forward to many more moments in 2014.

Today's Painting was done from one of my plein air studies done at the Crow Creek workshop. It is on Multimedia pastel board. Which allows for a build up of texture.


  1. I really have enjoyed your different approaches and have admired your openness to experiment. I definitely see what gave you your AHA moment. A combination - yes! Wonderful - YES!
    Regarding some people not as comfortable with your more graphic imagery...I lost a whole slew of people when I started my fracturing. They could not, and still do not like it. I DO though - very much and THAT feeling is what we paint

  2. I don't think anybody that follows your blog didn't notice the shift in style right away. At first I was in the camp that preferred your previous style but your new style has grown on me, neither is better than the other to me now, they are just different.

  3. I love ALL your styles of painting!

  4. Beautiful painting. I loved seeing your progress through both changes. The bolder style was interesting but I missed those lyrical scenes too - and now you've brought it all together.

    It's like that for me sometimes. If I ever get back to doing detailed rendering it'll be much more effective for resting on what I've learned in all this loose impressionism. Mostly now when I do it, it's in focal areas and gets looser the farther from that focal area.


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