
Monday, December 30, 2013

Top Adventures of 2013...Painting in the Lowcountry

'Lowcountry Dreaming'             11x14            pastel         ©Karen Margulis
purchase at Daily Paintworks $145
 I have found my favorite spot in the South.  I could go back anytime and any season.  The place is Pawleys Island on the South Carolina coast.  For the second year my friends and I rented a wonderful cottage on the beach.  The cottage is named 'Wildlife' and it is very appropriate. Not for the way we act....we are far from wild often retiring at 9:00pm!  But Pawleys is filled with wildlife of the avian kind.
Wildlife at Pawleys Island
It isn't a commercial island. Just a peaceful place surrounded by the Atlantic ocean and the marsh. The birds love it and they make the marsh a special place.  We spent many hours just sitting on out dock watching the birds. On this last trip to Pawleys in October I painted every day.  I had my new Gogh Box and put it through it's paces. It was wonderful and I know that the many plein air paintings I did during the week will help me when I work from the photos I took.

The view from the back deck
 Days on Pawleys began by greeting the sun on our deck. Jayne would put on the coffee and give us a sunrise alert. This year we only had one good sunrise. It was overcast most of the time.  But it wasn't cold or windy so I can't complain.

The view from the front deck and our dock on the creek
Many hours were spent out on our dock. Even in the rain we could paint since it was covered. I had the pleasure of having some facebook friends come by to visit on the deck and watch a demo. That is a special memory!

I love adventure trips. The Southwest trip was one of them. But I also love these quiet weeks spent in a beautiful and inspiring place. I hope we get back to Pawleys in 2014!


  1. Sounds like a great place! I would love to visit there sometime. Your paintings from there are fabulous!

  2. Anonymous11:18 PM

    I hope you get back there, too, love to see your paintings of it.


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