
Friday, January 24, 2014

4 Easy Steps to Choosing an Art Blog Name

'Winter Whispers'             11x14              pastel             ©Karen Margulis
click here to purchase $155
I never realized how well my blog name would fit.  Painting my World.  I was trying to pick an interesting name. One that would describe what my blog was about. I was painting my world...the things I loved. My world at the time revolved around squeezing painting time  into my schedule of working full time. My subjects were most often taken from photos of past travels.

Now my world is expanding. I am traveling more often and going farther.  My trip to Iceland this summer will be the first time overseas since high school. As my blog as grown and evolved my world is expanding because I am connecting to people all over the world.  I love hearing from my readers and learning where they are from.   The give and take and sharing with you inspires me to paint.   I am happy to say I have grown into my blog name.

 But I would have chosen differently if I knew more about blogging. My name fits but I could have made wiser choices.

Here are 4 easy steps to choosing a name for your art blog:

  • Make sure your blog name includes your NAME.  As artists our brand is our name. We may have a studio name but most people will remember our names before our studio names. Having your name in the blog name will make it easier for others to find you.
  • Make sure your blog name tells others what you do or what your blog is about. If it is a clever name that has no relationship to what you are sharing you may have readers skip your blog. Many times readers will see your blog name first.  If they can tell what it is about from the name they will be more likely to read it.
  • Make sure your blog name is easy to remember. Short and to the point is best.
  • Make sure your blog name is the same as the domain name (your blog address).  Readers may remember your blog name but not the address so if they do a search and put in your blog name they will find it if it is the same.  (I made this mistake by naming my blog Painting my World but having the blog address

Today's painting is on brown Sennelier LaCarte paper. It is 11x14.  A special thanks to my friend Riley from Sweden who sent me some wonderful winter photos. This painting was inspired by one of them. Thank you Riley! I can't wait until Iceland!


  1. Wonderful work of art today! Good post too. I actually got one thing right with my blog, WOW! Well, all of those things.
    Have a super weekend!

  2. I am Marcela Strasdas from Victoria, BC, Canada! I read your blog daily, I am not a pastel artist but I always find useful tips, information and inspiration. Thank you for sharing your passion with us!
    I got some of it right with my blog then: I am
    Art by Marcela Strasdas
    I have the word art and my name but the address and the name are different.

  3. Numerous years ago I came across your blog and loved it but later "lost it". I wanted to find you again, so I googled--pastel artist/southern u.s.a--and there you were! Amazing! I have learned so much from reading your postings... keep on teaching us. I wish I could take one of your classes, but Okla. is a long ways away. :(

  4. Beautiful painting and a great essay. Naming a blog isn't easy but you've listed the most important things to consider.


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