
Saturday, January 25, 2014

How to Paint a Winter Landscape...New Pastel DEMO Download

'Winter Silence'              8x10             pastel             ©Karen Margulis         SOLD
I like to paint winter landscapes in the winter. Some prefer to paint them in the heat of the summer. A bit of respite from the heat. I can understand that. I like to paint a warm summer beach to take the chill off a cold winter day.  But I still prefer to paint winter when it is cold.  I feel like I can relate to the cold iciness of the snow when I actually feel cold. And it helps to be able to observe the snow and the bare winter trees live and in person!

It was cold outside when I painted this demo. It has been cold everywhere including Georgia!  I enjoyed painting it and I am excited to share the detailed demo notes in my latest download available in my Etsy shop.  I love sharing my mini demos here on the blog but these monthly demo downloads allow me to go in depth and share step by step my thoughts and techniques.  

This demo focuses on how to paint the colors in snow and snow shadows and how I create the illusion of detail without really putting in a lot of detail....suggestions of detail is what I try to do.  Bare winter trees are the perfect subject for minimizing detail.

This demo is 22 pages with 40 color photos. It is available as a PDF download for $6. You can view or on your computer or print it out. Here is the link to the Winter Demo

If you haven't tried my monthly pastel demos I have the last 5 available in a bundle for $24 here.

The front of my Demo PDF

suggesting bare winter trees

shapes and colors = suggested detail

1 comment:

  1. Hi Karen,

    I've been reading your blog for a year now, getting the daily emails. I really like how you are able to take out the distractions in a painting and get the whole feel of a piece without a bunch of detail. It's so loose, I love it!

    I've experimented with pastels but didn't have much success (I don't think I understand how to use them yet) so I switched over to acrylic and feel I'm making strides there. Your blog is still helpful to my process, so thanks!

    I just downloaded your latest Winter Landscape Demo PDF and hope to give that a try in acrylics. :)

    Wish me luck!


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