
Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Blogging From the Road with Blogsy App

'On the Way to Cape May'            8x10         pastel         ©Karen Margulis
click here to purchase $145
 My suitcase will stay packed this Winter it seems.  I am back from Chicago and on the road to South Florida to visit family.   I love being on the road and I love sharing my adventures and paintings on my blog. So I needed to find a way to keep posting!

Now I have two choices to blog from the road that fit my criteria of Low Cost, Low Tech and Low Maintenance:   Blogsy and Blog Go.  I use both of these apps for my Blogger blog.

  • I used the iPad app Blogsy during my month long trip around the Southwest. It worked flawlessly.  It was easy to insert photos where I wanted them in the size I wanted. I could save a post as a draft and publish it when I wanted. It was easy to find the photos I needed on my iPad. It never crashed. Publish time varied depending on my internet connection but I never had to wait too long. After using it for a month I fell it did everything I needed it to and I don't think anyone could see a difference in how my posts looked. I will use it on any trip where I can get wifi with my iPad. (I don't bring my laptop on a trip anymore)

  • What if you don't have wifi available? This happened to me at the Blue Ridge Paintout. I was staying in a place without internet. But my iPhone did have service.  So I found the Blog Go app.  (this app is also for iPad but I don't think it was available when I found Blogsy)  Blog Go worked great as well.  I was able to blog about my plein air experience using photos I took on my phone. I can't wait to upgrade my phone for a better camera though. I didn't have the best photos!  I was happy that the app let me make my photos the same sizes as Blogger allows. I had no issues writing and formatting my text and publishing was fast and easy. 

 I have options to blog even without internet. All I need is phone service and I can keep up with my blog!  I will do my best to give a daily trip report so please stay tuned!

****Update...this post is a repeat but I have now used Blogsy on the iPad for several trips. I have to give it my stamp of approval. It is fast and easy to use. So easy in fact that I chose to use the app over my computer to do my last post!  I like the way the posts are formatted the same as they are with Blogger,  I would highly recommend giving Blogsy a try!

my own homemade support on gatorfoam 
Today's painting: Getting ready for Cape May County....this sunset is from a Stan Sperlak workshop a few years ago. It is a view as we drove back into Cape May after a day of painting. The painting is on gatorfoam with a pumice surface.

1 comment:

  1. Cool app! I'm tempted to get it if I start going out more often, the iPhone one because I don't have an iPad.

    I love the painting! I'm also stunned at its size - the very tiny strokes you used for the distant lights, this is utterly gorgeous and delicate. That took a precise hand getting those tiny touches! It looked like a larger painting and it is so compelling! Perfect atmosphere!


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