
Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Seeing Winter Colors

'Winter Dawn' 8 x10. Pastel

I loved the snow in Chicago. I didn't enjoy the bitter cold. I don't really mind cold weather. As long as I am prepared and have good winter gear I like being out in the snow. I heard someone say it makes you feel alive and I do agree. But the cold of The Polar Vortex was dangerous. It prevented me from going out and getting good photos. It kept me inside. It also delayed my return to Georgia though we did make the best of it.
So this trip I got my snow but sadly didn't get out in it . I had to be satisfied with painting from the window. This morning we were scheduled on an early flight. I looked out the hotel window as we waited for the shuttle and it was gorgeous. The sky was pink and yellow and so soft. The contrast with the icky blue snow was breathtaking. Even though it was a parking lot. I tried to soak up these winter colors. Studying them to etch them in my brain. Winter isn't just cold and white. There are so many subtle colors if only we take time to look.
The view from the hotel lobby inspired today's painting. This time I took out my artistic license and removed the buildings. It was the color that interested me.


  1. Nice use of the colors to paint what you remembered. Love it!

  2. Tim Moore7:23 AM

    i think it wonderful you can turn a parking lot into the middle of the forest..beautiful...just proves anything and everything is beautiful and can be painted..

  3. this is so pretty. I appreciate your daily emails which inspire me to get back into painting. thank you.

  4. That is elegant! I do that sometimes too, less interested in buildings than in trees and nature. Lovely interpretation and yeah, the colors are always there. I love trying to memorize the light any time I can't paint.


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