
Monday, January 06, 2014

Stranded in Chicago...Polar Vortex Painting

'After the Snow'. 5 x 7. Pastel

I love the name. Polar Vortex. It's sounds like something interesting to read about. I am not just reading about it though. I am in the middle of it here in Chicago. I was supposed to fly home this afternoon. I had a great visit but I have a lot to do. My pastel classes were set to begin on Tuesday.
We woke up to the bone chilling temperature of -19 with windchills in the -40s. But our flight was on schedule so we made our way to the airport. Then the delays began. After the flight time was pushed up the third time I knew we needed to prepare for the 'c' word.....cancelled ! And it was. Our rescheduled flight is in the morning but I am not too hopeful. Conditions won't be any better. We were told that the planes can't refuel because the fuel lines are freezing.
So we are making the best of it. We got a room at the airport since the flight is so early. We took a cab to Target to buy pajamas ( our luggage had been checked which I don't usually do). We treated ourselves to room service and I decided to paint our view of the frozen parking lot.
I love my travel kit. It was so easy to throw in my backpack and I am so glad I did! For the painting I set up at the desk. I took an iPhone photo of the view and worked both from the window and the photo on my iPad. It isn't a spectacular view....just a frozen and cold parking lot ...but when the street lights came on it was transformed into something quiet and beautiful in it's own way. That is why I love being an artist. I don't like being stranded without luggage but I do appreciate the gift of finding beauty.


  1. What a story with a wonderful painting to go with it. The softness and stillness of the colors make the painting successful. I do hope you get to fly today. Polar Vortex….perfect name for the storm and painting.

  2. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Do pastel sticks freeze and if they do -- will they crumble badly afterwards? Glad your pastels were with you. You ALWAYS make the BEST of everything.

  3. Wow, wow, wow!

    Great story and wow, you have captured that light, that feeling. It's damp and soggy and cold, the snow fell but it's bitter outside, there's not much light and not much sun and it's Winter Yuck. Chicago Winter Yuck.

    Wow, didn't know the airport had rooms for delayed travelers, that's pretty cool. LOL new pajamas - great idea and I'd never have thought of it.

  4. Thanks Carol and Robert, I made it home finally and it will be a trip to remember fir sure! I always appreciate reading your comments even when I don't have a chance to comment back! Thank you so much!!

  5. I dont think pastels freeze as they are dry. Mine didn't anyway and I was out in 17 below with them.


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