
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Why We Need to Seek Out Feedback

'In All Her Glory'                8x10            pastel              ©Karen Margulis
Sometimes it is a simple bit of advice.  A few words. "Try this next time or look more carefully at that."   Something simple that you may have overlooked or maybe didn't even know. It doesn't matter how much experience we have. As artists, we are always learning and growing.  We need to continue studying and stretching ourselves. We need insightful feedback.

"A moment's insight is sometimes worth a life's experience." Oliver Wendell Holmes

 This is one of the reasons that I love taking workshops. I might just hear that one simple bit of advice that can make a big difference in my work. (I also love being around other artists who are all passionate about learning to paint better) 

I am taking a couple of workshops this year... Liz Haywood-Sullivan in May and Iceland with Stan Sperlak in June.  I can't wait to learn more and to get some feedback. Feedback is so important because we can't always see what we could be doing better.  It often takes another set of eyes.

Critique or feedback is one of the valuable benefits of a class or workshop. Having someone look at your work and honestly share their own insight is invaluable.  You don't always have to agree or you might not understand or be ready for the advice. This has happened to me often. I always take the feedback and file it away. Some I put it to practice right away and some advice might not be a fit for me....or might start to make sense at some point in the future.

I am fortunate to be able to take workshops and to have a great support system of local artist friends. It is worth the effort to seek out other artists in your area. Take a class or join a local art association. Often they offer critique sessions. Start your own critique group!  Or turn to the internet....when I was getting started with pastels I spent a lot of time in the pastel forum of  I  posted my work for feedback and learned from other work posted. It is a great resource!

I understand the value of insightful feedback and I would love to offer another set of eyes for your work. Whether you are new to pastels or wanting to improve your work, consider my new online feedback sessions. Conducted by email, I will offer feedback on up to 3 paintings. Click here for more information or feel free to email me with additional questions. 

1 comment:

  1. Sir Oliver used the right words to make a great sentence, you use beutiful colors to paint a lovely painting.


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