
Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Art Inspiration for August...Summer Sketchbook

'A Sunny Patch'             11x14              ©Karen Margulis
Summer is for slowing down. I have been working at half my usual speed it seems. But it is a welcome change of pace. After my trip to Iceland I spent time in the studio writing and painting. Last week I spent time in the mountains and lake with my son, sighter-in-law and 4 month old granddaughter. We hosted 20 family members for the weekend and had a wonderful time. I was off the grid with no internet or phone.  I didn't paint or blog. I simply enjoyed family time. It was wonderful.

It's hard to believe that school has started where I live. That usually signals the end of summer but I have to remind myself that it isn't over yet. I still want to savor summer. I am enjoying this slower pace. I want to capture it and hold onto it. I have an idea! I invite you to join me in keeping a Summer Sketchbook.

  • Take out a blank sketchbook and spend the rest of August and fill it up with images of summer. Sketch, take photos, make a collage. Use any media you  wish...mix it up! Take time each day to find something that represents summer to you and capture it in your sketchbook.
  • If you haven't had a chance to travel this summer...become a tourist in your own town. See it with fresh eyes. Sketch it...experience it....savor it. 
I will share my sketchbook in progress with you later this week. If you have a blog, share your sketches on your blog or join my Facebook group....The Pastel Challenge Group and share your sketches with the group!

About today's painting: This is on Uart paper with a watercolor underpainting. If you look carefully you can see a lot of the watercolor showing under the pastel.

Heidi enjoyed the weekend at the lake!


  1. Joanne7:39 PM

    Great idea! Love this painting, btw!

  2. Love your ideas AND especially this beautiful painting!

    Tyler starts school next week. And yes, you're right! Summer isn't over .... it's still ours to savor as we wish!

  3. Great painting, great idea and I joined the Pastel Challenge group! Thanks for approving my membership so fast!

    I have color Conte and I love them in my sketchbook!


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