
Monday, August 04, 2014


'Jazzpurr'              8x10           pastel    
I really don't have many words today. It is a sad day. My beautiful cat Jazzpurr passed over the Rainbow Bridge. He was almost 14. He was getting frail and not eating as much but he still managed to jump up into my bed every night. He died peacefully in his sleep over the weekend. We will miss him terribly.

We adopted him and his sister Jennifur from the Humane Society when they were 3 months old. They were supposed to be outside cats to help with some mousing. They never set a paw outside! They were too wonderful and were meant for couch duty. Jazz loved it when I came to bed early to read. He had a thing for sitting on my open book. I never had the heart to move him and just pet him rather than read. I will miss that. I will miss everything about him.

Jazz was a beautiful cat. He had striking black and white and tabby markings and beautiful soulful eyes.  I painted him many times.  Jazz had a kind and gentle way about him. He was never fazed by anything. He was such a good cat. It is so hard to lose such a good friend.


  1. Nancy Young10:01 PM

    When we hadn't heard from you for a few days, I knew something had happened. I am so sorry you lost your beautiful friend, Jazz. I'm a big animal lover, too, and understand the pain in your heart, and the emptiness in your home. This painting is a wonderful tribute and rememberence. Sending hugs.

  2. My sincerest sympathy for the loss of your beautiful Jazzpurr.

  3. so sorry your kitty is gone.

  4. I'm sorry for your loss. I still grieve my Kitza who had diabetes but lived to a ripe old age. I'm sure Jazzpurr will be waiting for you across the bridge so remember to take a book.

  5. So sorry for the loss of your Jazzpur it is very painful to miss such a beloved family member.

  6. Karen, words can't express how sorry I am for your loss. Our pets are a huge part of our lives.

  7. So sorry to hear of the loss of your precious Jazzpurr, a beautiful portrait of your beautiful friend, warmly, Tania

  8. Oh Karen, I'm so sorry about your sweet kitty. Words feel so empty, but I am thinking of you and sending peaceful energy your way. Big hugs from Sweden.

  9. PS That is a beautiful portrait, and his eyes are amazing! :)

  10. i am so sorry Karen..he will always live in your heart and home..may God give you comfort at this time..

  11. Please accept my sympathy. Losing a beloved pet is so terribly hard.

  12. 'Niques2:38 PM


  13. Karen, I’m very sorry for your loss. I’m also an animal lover and I have a cat and a dog. They are more than friends, I feel as if they were part of the family.
    I can imagine what you are feeling, it is a very hard time.
    Please accept my sympathy and a big hug


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