
Thursday, November 27, 2014

A Pastelist's Thanksgiving: Family

'Down by the Water'             8x10               pastel             ©Karen Margulis
click here to purchase $145

There is so much to be thankful for. I am living my dream of being an artist and traveling around the world. Going to work means going downstairs to my studio and painting all day. It isn't work at all! 
But none of it would be possible without the support of my family. I am so grateful that my husband Michael understands and completely supports my passion. He holds down the fort when my sometimes crazy schedule takes me away from home. He listens to my lesson plans and ideas, offers feedback on my work and is an all around Sherpa of my supplies when needed!

The support of family is so important to the success of an artist. It makes it so much easier when family members understand our passion and offer help instead of complaints about how much time and money we may spend on art!  

So on this day of thanksgiving I offer my thanks to all of my family! My success as an artist would not be possible without you!


  1. Karen, today I am grateful for you--for introducing me (at an APS workshop) to the idea of daily painting and for your generous, giving instruction on your blog! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving enjoying your family...

  2. This is so beautiful. Love the painting for today too, it lifts my heart!

    Though my family are far away in Arkansas, we're close on the phone and in chats. My granddaughter still paints and daughter sketches, grandson is taking an interest and liked his drafting tools from last year's Christmas. Son in law enjoys journaling and sketching. It's easy to be supporting when everyone in the family is into art!


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