
Monday, November 24, 2014

A Pastelist's Thanksgiving: Students

'In the Meadow'            8x10            pastel            ©Karen Margulis
click here to purchase  $145
I am grateful for the wonderful teachers that have shared their wisdom with me. They have set the bar very high. Not only have I learned and grown from their instruction but I have learned to in turn be a better teacher to my students.

Today's gratitude: I am thankful for my students. 

Their curiosity and appetite for learning about pastels and painting encourages me to find ways to challenge them. As a result we all grow. Sometimes as artists we intuitively understand art concepts....composition, value, color.... we get it but we can't always explain it.  Sometimes we don't quite get it!  There is nothing like having to explain them to a student to help me understand them better.  When I study a concept and try to come up with ways to make it clear I learn! I understand the concept better.

So  a big Thank You to my students and blog readers! Your interest and questions have made me a better artist!

"By my teaching I hope to inspire you to personal activity and to present your vision." (Robert Henri)

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