
Monday, November 24, 2014

A Pastelist's Thanksgiving: Vendors

'Woods'                18x24                pastel                ©Karen Margulis
Pastels! Sometimes it is all about the tools. Part of the fun is in the collecting of supplies. It seems as though we can never get enough pastels.  We are very fortunate that we have so many choices available to us as pastelists. There has never been a better time to paint with pastels. The vendors have given us so many wonderful choices in pastels and papers.

Today's gratitude: I am thankful for the vendors and manufacturers of the wonderful pastels and papers I have so much fun using.

The pastels and papers we use really do make a difference in our work. I always encourage my student to buy the best materials they can afford but beautiful art can be made with all materials. It is up to us as artists to experiment and practice until we discover the right combination. That's part of the fun!

Friends, let us join together and thank the vendors! Let's show our support this holiday season and purchase some new supplies! ( I know you want to!!)

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