
Sunday, December 28, 2014

Top Paintings and Places of 2014......Iceland!

'Journey to the Golden Circle'             12x24             pastel               ©Karen Margulis
painting available $325 click here

I'm still not sure what possessed me to go to Iceland. I knew nothing about Iceland. I just knew that if Stan Sperlak liked it and was leading the expedition it would be fun. I wanted an adventure. I wanted to learn something. I wanted to grow as an artist. Iceland did all of that and more. In short, it was an incredible journey. 

The Painter's Passport Iceland group. I am in the light gray coat in front.
 Iceland is like no other place in the world. Sure it has parts of what looks like other places.....volcanoes, snow covered mountains, glaciers, inspiring waterfalls, quaint fishing villages, meadows filled with wildflowers, lots and lots of green.  But all of these wonderful things are packed into one small island near the arctic circle. Put all of this scenic beauty together with the warm and welcoming Icelanders and you have the recipe for a perfect place to explore.

And explore we did!  Stan and Cory led the trip and took us to some amazing places. We painted, we hiked, we took scenic drives. We took a dinner cruise on the bay. We explored Reykjavik. We relaxed and enjoyed conversation late into the night....while we waited for a sun that never really set.

One of my favorites from my trip. 
 I came home from Iceland with my head full of images I wanted to paint. I spent the month of July in my studio painting to my favorite Icelandic music. I wrote about my experience on my blog. I want to put it all into a book. [ you can read all 12 entries by following the links on my Pinterest board here] [See all of my Iceland Paintings here]
It was a very special trip.

This summer the adventures of Stan's Painter's Passport continue in France. We will be painting in the footsteps of the Impressionists visiting Paris and Normandy. I will be a guest instructor this year and I am thrilled to be able to share with the group. I will be blogging about this adventure so you can follow along with us!

I highly recommend any workshop with Stan Sperlak. Visit his website to learn more.

1 comment:

  1. I love the example painting you chose. Your palette brought the Iceland landscapes to life, it's so vivid and powerful. Enjoyed your blogs at the time and this article too.

    Definitely looking forward to next year's French adventure. You visited Iceland during the only time of year I might survive going there, but France is a much likelier place for me to go someday, given enough success to travel.


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