
Monday, December 29, 2014

Places and Paintings ...My Favorites from 2014

'Down in the Valley'       11x14        pastel              ©Karen Margulis    sold
 It was the start of something very exciting. My first official out of town workshop!  It was a private workshop that came together in the most unusual way. One of my collectors thought it would be fun to get a small group of friends together and host a painting workshop at her home. She contacted me and asked if I was interested. She lived near Lake Tahoe at the base of Sierra Nevada mountains. I was game!

I had never met my host, Robin and some of the group had never even painted. But it turned out to be the most wonderful experience. We had such a wonderful time exploring the world of pastels in a gorgeous setting. It was fantastic!

9x12    pastel      sold
I came away from my time at Lake Tahoe with a group of new friends (we hope to have another workshop together this year!)  and an even greater appreciation for the power and joy of seeing. One of the things we talked about was how we as artists see the world with more sensitive eyes.....we truly can see the light if we allow it. And we can translate that to our paintings.  I was able to show the group the beautiful light that was right in front of us.

After the workshop I received wonderful feedback on how much more the group was sensitive to the beauty around them. I couldn't have asked for a better experience. I may have been the teacher but I also learned much.

Now I am looking forward to more out of town and even out of the country workshops in the coming year.  Lake Tahoe got me started and I am now on a roll!  Thank you ladies!

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