
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Top Places and Paintings of 2014....Abiquiu

'Ghost Ranch I'             8x10             pastel              ©Karen Margulis
painting available $150
This is where it all came together. Abiquiu New Mexico. I wasn't really planning on going. I was on the waitlist for Richard McKinley's Mentoring workshop and wasn't hopeful that I would make it in. But I did. I hesitated about going. After all I had just done a big trip to Iceland. But something told me I needed to go. So I went. It was another amazing experience.

It was intense. We painted from sun up to sun down every day. Somehow it all started to make sense. I painted with my heart. It just flowed. It was such a high. I came home with a stack of paintings. I will keep most of them. I want them to remind me of what it was like to paint with wild abandon!  I also would like to paint many of them larger  in 2015.

I have been asked why I choose to go to workshops. I am a teacher why do I still need to go? I go because I am also a student. I want to continue to grow and stretch myself. I want to learn from others and allow it to all trickle down until it becomes part of me.  I also meet the most wonderful artists in a workshop. I wouldn't trade these experiences for anything!

Below are two of my favorite little 5x7  plein air paintings from Abiqui. I can't wait to paint them larger!

1 comment:

  1. I am amazed at how rich and beautiful your desert scenes are. Deserts that to me were bitter, inhospitable and dry where I couldn't breathe, you find so much light and life and color in them! Wonderful painting!

    I can understand why you constantly challenge yourself with workshops. I've seen you grow over the years too, it makes you a better teacher. There is so much to learn that art is never a zero sum game.

    This spring I'll get out and paint, I mean to get out of my room this year and actually do some paintings in the park. Not near as big a journey but it's in my reach.


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